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GIF encoder / decoder
This article from Dennis Felsing [https://hookrace.net/blog/time.gif/] captured my attention i seconds. "Can you really embed a GIF with code? Can you do...
How to create a temporary email address
I'm working on an app that aims to use Amazon Cognito for user registration and one of the things I need to test is e-mail signup....
Where to find free fonts
Let's be real, Google Fonts is amazing but they're not the end-all be-all. When you're looking for more, try these services below....
My Favorite Visual Studio Code Plugins
I started using Textmate [http://macromates.com/] in 2004 because it was Rails friendly. Lately I've been using Visual Studio Code [https://code.visualstudio.com/Download]...
Shell variables vs. Environment variables
I've been doing a lot of work within the AWS Command Line [http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/iam/index.html] and it'...
Awesome OS X Command Lines
Thank you @herrbischoff [https://twitter.com/herrbischoff] for creating this A curated list of shell commands and tools specific to OS X [https://github.com/herrbischoff/awesome-osx-command-line] and...

Using Jenkins to Trigger Rake Tasks
This tutorial [https://www.chrisjmendez.com/2017/01/08/installing-jenkins-using-virtualbox-and-vagrant/] will show you how to install Jenkins on Linux Debian using VirtualBox and Vagrant. After you've...

Heroku: Working with Git and Github
Heroku uses Git for version control and collaborative coding. Below are a few helpful commands plus a better process for app development.

Git: Creating a Branch during Agile Sprints
Here's a tip for new developers learning how to use Git for short sprints. The first step is to create a branch. Step 1 - List...