For Managers
72 postsIdeas, finding, thoughts and discussion around how to use technology to make a resourceful, positive impact on community.

5 Experiences that Lead to Promotion
If you are a new or existing manager looking for ways to earn a promotion, learn to look for these five types of business problems.

Should I Do This?
I was watching a video from Dan Applebaum and his response to the question "Should I do this?" caught my attention. The interesting part is how...
AWS Elemental
Amazon acquired a company called Elemental [https://techcrunch.com/2015/09/03/amazon-acquires-elemental-technologies-for-a-reported-500-million-in-cash/] back in 2015 and has now released a suite of products to help broadcasters (big...
How Web Development Has Changed
My professional journey of what it's been like to code since 1997.
Calculating startup value
How to calculate sweat equity amongst co-founders in a clean and simple way.
Organizing My Product Development Lifecycle
Every time I start a new project, I find myself following this process. Discovery Discovery - This pretty much means research. Research about the customers we want to...
The Malcolm Gladwell myth
This story below is interesting because it makes you wonder if you really need 10,000 hours to get great at something or you if just need to...
Sources of inspiration for developers
If you area a software developer looking for your next gig, here area few sources for inspiration. I've organized this list into two main categories: paid...
Where to find free fonts
Let's be real, Google Fonts is amazing but they're not the end-all be-all. When you're looking for more, try these services below....
Moodles Real-time MIDI Composer Deep Dive
Moodles, a first-of-its-kind musical instrument app for kids to compose music without the banality of classes. Built using Swift, AudioKit, and Firebase.
What is ISRC?
ISRC stands for International Standard Recording Code [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Standard_Recording_Code] is pretty much like the audio equivalent of a GS1 US [https:...
Easiest way to install Chrome on Windows
I generally dread any time I have to create a new instance of Windows and Internet Explorer. Why? Because it's just not easy. For example, here...