If you store files using Amazon Glacier, you'll notice that it's not very easy to restore files within a folder using the web console. Instead, you'll see "Initiate Restore" greyed out.

I've found the easiest way to restore a directory full of files is through the AWS Command Line. If you don't have the AWS Cli installed, read this article first.
Getting Started
First install this 3rd party command-line tool for AWS.
brew install s3cmd
Configure s3cmd
This is the part where you will add your ```Access Key ID``` and ```Secret Access Key``` you create within AWS IAM console.
s3cmd --configure
One One Command
s3cmd restore --restore-days=<number> --recursive s3://mybucketname/folder/

Deploying Rails 5.x on AWS ElasticBeanstalk using AWS CodeCommit
How to deploy your Rails app on ElasticBeanstalk (including S3 buckets, security groups, load balancers, auto-scalling groups and more) using CodeCommit.

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