AWS API Gateway offers a tool called Mapping Templates to help you convert the data you have into the data you want. For example, if you want to pass parameters to your API Gateway through a GET request, you'll need a Mapping Template.

If you want to do something like this, you need a Mapping Template.


How Mapping Templates Work

Mapping templates contain three variables: $context, $input, and $util. These three variables offer you everything you need to extract user-submitted data, internal resource data (like an IP address), and a few other things.


Context holds all the contextual information of your API request.



The AWS Account ID is associated with the request.


The IP address of the API caller (based on x-forwarded-for).


User Agent of the API caller.



This is the payload ready to be processed by the templates.

This evaluates the parameters as a JSON path and converts it to a JSON string.


This returns a map of the request parameters.


This allows you to manipulate the JSON payload as if it were a native object. For example, you can get an array of string objects and run functions like size().



These are utilities for mapping templates such as:

Escape javascript in a string.


URL encode and decode.


This is helpful if you're planning to store images as base64. Suppose you have no idea what this means, read this other article I wrote a few months ago..



Let's create a quick example using the AWS API Gateway.

Step 1 - Create a Resource

Create a resource

Step 2 - Create a Method


Assign a GET method.

Grab all of the information in the request, put it in JSON, and pass that JSON into the lambda function.

Step 3 - Edit Integration Request

Select "Integration Request" to start modifying the Mapping Template.


Step 4 - Edit Mapping Template

Once you've clicked on Integration Requests, you can type application/json, select "Empty," and then fill in the parameter you want to map.

Within the Body Mapping Template, we say that the /{id} will map to "orderId" within our lambda function.

