How to install Rails 6.x on a Mac

We will use four different package managers to set up our environment. Homebrew is a package manager for Mac. We will use brew to install rbenv. rbenv is a Ruby manager that makes it easy to install modern versions of the language. RubyGems is a package manager for Ruby that will help you install current versions of Rails.

Install Ruby using rbenv and brew

Step 1 of this tutorial will help you install rbenv and brew.

Now that you've installed rbenv, let's install Ruby and Rails.

rbenv install 2.7.1

*Tip: If you are unsure what version of Ruby to install, one suggestion is to research where you plan to deploy your app. For example, if you intend to launch your app on AWS, visit the Elasticbeanstalk Supported Platforms. Heroku also offers a list of supported runtimes to help reduce confusion.

Install Rails using gem

Using your specific version of Ruby, install Rails without documentation.

RBENV_VERSION=2.7.1 rbenv exec gem install rails --version --no-document

Create Rails App

RBENV_VERSION=2.7.1 rbenv exec rails _6.1.3.1_ new [my_rails_app]