Install NumPy, SciPy and Matplotlib on Mac OS X

Step 0 - Getting Started

Homebrew is a package manager for Mac OS X. Here's how to install it beforehand.

Next, let's upgrade our default installation of Python to something greater than 2.7.

Step 1 - Install Libraries


Pip is a package manager for Python.

easy_install pip


NumPy supports scientific computing and linear algebra support.

pip install numpy


We need gfortran to compile SciPy, but it does not come pre-installed with Xcode. Therefore, Homebrew can help us out again:

brew cask install gfortran


Scikit-learn's purpose is to support machine learning, and therefore it's used for many of the tasks performed routinely in machine learning. A few key features are:

  • It works well with the libraries stated above.
  • It helps integrate the algorithms we will use for predictive models.
  • It contains methods that will help us pre-process data, measure the performance of our models, and splitting data into test sets.
  • Methods for creating trained models, tuning models, and identifying which features within the models are essential.
pip install scipy


To install matplotlib, we need to install pkg-config

brew install pkg-config

Mat plotlib is a 2D publication library that produces high-quality graphics.

pip install matplotlib


Pandas is a data manipulation tool that uses data frames to access and analyze information.

pip install pandas


Library often used for Computer Vision.

brew install opencv


TensorFlow is a free and open-source software library for dataflow and differentiable programming across a range of tasks.

pip install tensorflow


Keras is a high-level neural networks API, written in Python, and capable of running on top of TensorFlow.

pip install keras