Carthage Cheat Sheet

Carthage is fantastic for package management, and 90% of the time, I only need to execute carthage update but once in a while, I need to do something more specific, so here are all those commands I can never seem to remember.

Configuring XCode

Go to Build Phases. Click the "+" icon and choose Run Script. Create a Run Script and paste.

/usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks

Downloading Libraries

Use Case #1 bootstrap

If I'm working with another team and evaluating their work, I won't use an update. I will use bootstrap instead. It ensures that I'm using the same dependencies that the other team is using.

carthage bootstrap --platform ios 

Use Case 2 update

I use this command all the time. Which says to update the app with the latest dependencies and create .framework builds for the iOS platform. Warning, this requires a lot of time.

carthage update --platform ios --no-use-binaries --verbose

Bootstrap vs. Update

Method 1: bootstrap

bootstrap reads Cartfile.resolved, checks out and builds the dependencies at the versions listed.

carthage bootstrap 

Method 2: update

update reads Cartfile, runs a dependency resolver and checks out dependencies recursively –generally aiming for the newest versions that are compatible– and rebuild the project's dependencies.

carthage update


build ensures Carthage doesn't skip over anything and builds the frameworks. You might want to use that with --no-use-binaries since this may take time.

carthage build --no-skip-current

Using Parameters (Flags)

Build for a specific platform

Build for iPhone platform.

carthage [update|bootstrap] --platform ios

Build for Mac desktop platform.

carthage [update|bootstrap] --platform macos

Build for all platforms.

carthage [update|bootstrap] --platform all

Download the dependencies as submodules

If you use --flag, this makes the dependencies available as Git submodules. The benefit of this technique is a clear separation of modules.

carthage [update|bootstrap] --use-submodules

Don't be lazy and check out the binary frameworks

Use this flag to ensure all the workspace dependencies get checked out. Otherwise, Carthage will default to the binary framework releases.

carthage [update|bootstrap] --no-use-binaries

Skip building the dependencies

This is a real time-saver in that you will skip creating a Carthage/build folder. You can download the dependencies but not make the .framework file.

carthage [update|bootstrap] --no-build

Only update this specific library

Instead of downloading and rebuilding all the dependencies, you can specify which dependency to build.

carthage update [name of library]



Spell out everything that is happening.

carthage update --verbose

Managing Cartfile

Create a Cartfile

Create a normal Cartfile

You will create a standard Cartfile 95% of the time.

touch Cartfile

Create a private Cartfile

If you plan to install a test framework, this is the best way to do it. It allows you to use specific dependencies during development without having to build them for production.

touch Cartfile.private

Paste this inside of Cartfile.private

github "Quick/Quick"
github "Quick/Nimble"

Dependency Origin vs. Version

Dependency Origin

Checkout a dependency from "some-branch-or-tag-or-commit"

github "duemunk/Async" "feature/Swift_3.0"

Dependency Version

Compatible with version 0.9.2

github "jdg/MBProgressHUD" ~> 0.9.2

At least version 2.3.1

github "ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa" >= 2.3.1

Exactly version 0.4.1

github "jspahrsummers/libextobjc" == 0.4.1

Build your own Carthage Framework