AWS: Install a Node app on AWS

I normally use Heroku or Openshift to publish apps but AWS works too. Here's a cheatsheet on how to set-up your NodeJS server from scratch on AWS.

This cheatsheet will focus on the development environment and not dive into making a node app.

Create an EC2 Server

Step 1 - Create a PEM

You need to create an PEM key in order to gain access to your AWS server.

Step 2 - Launch EC2

You need to Launch an Instance of EC2 using the EC2 Console.

This is where you will pick the PEM you just created.

Step 3 - Create A-Record

It's recommended that you create a static IP address to your EC2, then assign an domain A-Record to your static IP address.

Step 4 - SSH

You can SSH into your new EC2 instance using PEM.

ssh -i ~/Desktop/keys.pem

Step 5 - Configure Root

Once you've used SSH to log into the server, you then should configure your server by first creating a root password.

keys = {root: p@ssword }
sudo passwd root

Install NodeJS

Step 6 - Install packages

Become a root user

su root

YUM is your package manager and it's advised that you update it before you begin.

sudo yum update

Install GCC

sudo yum install gcc-c++ make

Install OpenSSL

sudo yum install openssl-devel

Install git so that you can checkout node.

sudo yum install git

Change director to /usr/src

 cd /usr/src

Download NodeJS

sudo git clone

Change directory into /node

cd node

Step 7 - Check out Node

Checkout the version of node you need. If you need something that's stable, it might help to review this page

git checkout v4.6.0
sudo make install

Step 8 - Configure Node

Configure NodeJS

sudo nano /etc/sudoers

Step 9

Configure environmental variables by making this line:

Defaults secure_path = /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin

Look like this:

Defaults secure_path = /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin

Step 10 - Install npm

Install Node Package Manager (NPM)

sudo yum install curl
sudo su
export PATH
curl | sh

Step 11 - Install a few more packages

Install ExpressJS and Forever packages from npm.

 sudo npm install express -g
 sudo npm install forever -g

Your done!
