Managing Git on Openshift


Openshift v2.0 has now reached End of Life and will be replaced by v3.0.

Openshift comes with Git and the tools are pretty easy to use. Here are a few key commands I use whenever I need to rollback a deployment or simply check the health of my app.

Git Status

Check configuration

It's good to check the number of deployments you have available.

rhc app-configure -a [name of app] -n [name of namespace]


List available deployments

rhc deployment list -a [name of app] -n [name of namespace]

Show deployment details

rhc deployment show [deployment id] -a [name of app] -n [name of namespace]

Specify number of deployments

rhc app-configure -a [name of app] -n [name of namespace] --keep-deployments 3

Rollback to a previous deployment

rhc deployment activate [deployment id] -a [name of app] -n [name of namespace]

Change branch to deploy

rhc app-configure --deployment-branch -a [name of app] -n [name of namespace]


Turn Openshift into a remote git-url

git remote add openshift ssh://

Update a remote git-url

git remote set-url openshift ssh://

Do everything similar to a normal git repo

git add -A
git commit -m 'fixed package.json'
git push

Push to openshift report

git push openshift

Pull from Openshift

git pull openshift master
